Obduction map
Obduction map


Once you teleport, you need to reach the exit point on the island. Off to the next round Experience a new omnibus simulator with OMSI 2 and start discovering Spandau while driving the omnibus. After the whole event, teleport, back the cart (backwards) from the shaft, and return to Kaptar. Along with the beam, the barrier blocking the planet will be destroyed. Until Obduction is released, the rules on /r/Obduction will remain fairly simple. Back down the cart how far you can, aim the laser, and destroy the device.


It would be better served by a patch that sorts out its technical issues but either way, its still going to have the same monotonous gameplay. And no matter how you choose to explore, you fall upon some heavy choices to make with substantial consequences. Obduction is apparently getting a PlayStation VR patch soon which will make it more immersive but I really dont think it will improve on the tedium of its campaign. Either way these new worlds reveal their secrets only as you explore and coax them.


Choose to have full gamer control, or simplify and explore with a simple click of the mouse. We’re building remarkable landscapes, architecture, and environments that surpass anything we’ve done before. Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 4 provides the state-of-the-art framework for Cyan to bring vibrant, new worlds to life. This is a new exploration experience for a new generation of explorers who are used to realtime worlds that unfold before their eyes. And adding to the curiosity, you stumble upon a strange, kluged kiosk that reassuredly welcomes you to “Hunrath”. But the farmhouse is just the first building in a rather bizarre little town that borders the road – curious structures that beg questions rather than provide answers. You’ve been abducted from your cozy existence and added into an alien landscape with a stereotypical, Kansas farmhouse with a white picket fence. The answer to your questions about where you are, and why you’re here, lie ahead. A curious, organic artifact falls from the starry sky and inexplicably, without asking permission, moves you across the universe. As you walk in the woods on a pristine night, a distant thunderclap demands your attention.

Obduction map